Thursday, November 17, 2011

Progress? Well, maybe...

Convincing win last night against Woodlan. They won their opener against Bellmont, so we were a little wary, but were more concerned about doing our stuff well. Offensively, we did some good things. I was a little surprised they played us man-to-man the entire night. We could have exploited some matchups all night long, but I wanted us to continue to work on our continuity offense. It paid some dividends - we shot 56% for the night, compared to 29% the other night against Wayne. We relied less on the 3-point shot, yet made more of them. Free throws shooting was abysmal and that's something we need to get rectified. But enough about offense.

Our defense - the focus of the entire game - was subpar. We experimented with a few different schemes, but except for a nice stretch in the second part of the third quarter, there weren't many bright spots at the defensive end. We'll try to figure out what we did well during that sequence and build on it. For the most part, we didn't cover well, didn't trap well, didn't get many tips or deflections, or generate much offense from our defense. If we are going to be any good, that's something that must happen. I'll be studying tape this afternoon to see who was getting the job done and who was reluctant to participate. With a series of SAC powerhouses looming on the horizon, we better get it figured out pretty soon.

I'll let you know how it goes...

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