Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A new experience

Playing this past Saturday in the Snider Classic, we got to face two local 4A teams in a single day. We always hope that we get a chance to play two games in one day later in February at the regional level of the state tournament. The event at Snider was a good chance to play some stiff competition and to measure where we are as individuals and as a team.

The morning win against Northrop was solid. The 67-49 final was a reflection of our play in the second half. After a fairly even opening half, we steadily distanced ourselves from Northrop. We employed a good game plan at the defensive end and felt good about the quality win. In the afternoon game, things didn't go as well against a Top 20 Snider team. Once again, our game plan was solid, as evidenced by the meager six points scored by their all-star post player Akilah Sims. Unfortunately, we didn't count on the career game from Western Michigan-bound Meredith Shipman. She hit nine three-pointers on her way to a 43-point day. And once we adjusted defensively in attempt to slow her down, the inside opened up for Sims and she exploded for 24 second-half points. Collectively, the two scored 73 of their team's 83 points. We scored 74 in what I felt was a pretty good offensive effort.

Could we have done some things differently? Yes. Was I second-guessed by some people for our defensive approach? Yes. If we played Snider again would we pursue a different strategy? Yes.

If we played exactly the same game today, would Snider have a player score 43? Probably not. If we could hold an all-star post player to six points in a half, would I be pleased? Absolutely. Is hindsight always 20-20? Of course it is.

We're still learning about each other and what we are capable of achieving. This group of girls has only played four games together. Everyone has grand ideas, but we still haven't been able to get everyone on the same page. Over time, and through a certain amount of adversity, we will craft a team that has the opportunity to be successful over the long haul. Until then, it's a patient process that we want to pursue, one that gives us our best chance to win and win regularly and win at the highest levels. We won't get a chance at Snider until next year, but when we do, we will be much more organized and prepared and ready to return the favor.

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