Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Earlier this week, I gave my basketball team a homework assignment. Not that they don't already have enough to do with Canterbury's challenging curriculum, but I wanted them to do some reading and thinking about how the game is played best.

The article I had them read is by former Duke star and current ESPN college basketball analyst Jay Bilas. He actually put words on paper a couple years ago and I've had this article since it first appeared on the ESPN website. The gist of the article is how to be a "tough" basketball player. It's not about the boastful, posturing, puffed-out-chest facade of toughness, but the essential skills, mindset, and grit that make a player better, both as an individual and as a teammate. Bilas details 33 different actions or characteristics of a "tough" player. It's an excellent article and provides food for thought for players and coaches alike.

I had each of my players identify - honestly - any of the 33 they felt that they demonstrated regularly. I asked them to select the three that they thought were most important. Finally, I encouraged them to pick three that they wanted to add to their games this season. I will collect and analyze the work and report back to them about the responses they generated. It should be interesting to see where each of them lands and where we see ourselves as a team. It will also give each of us an opportunity to improve our expectations and performances as individuals and as a group.

I went into this season with a personal goal to do more teaching. We have a very young squad with a lot of potential. So far, I think we have done a good job. My staff is excellent - instructors all - so I believe we will make great progress over the course of a long season, helping the girls understand and appreciate how to play the game better than they do right now. This homework assignment - it won't be the only one I give this year - is a good starting point.

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