Wednesday, November 16, 2011


It's not who we are; it's what we do and how we do it.

I've got a group of kids who are very talented basketball players. Sometime, in the future, they will develop into a very good basketball team. My job is to figure out which buttons to push, which combinations to arrange, and which tactical and strategic approaches to employ. However, before any of those things can happen, our team must develop an identity.

The coaches are teaching and the players are learning. Skills are developing and bonds among teammates are emerging. Expectations are being stated and goals are being established. But we still seek that glue that will hold us together and make us stronger. It's like we know where we want to go, but haven't quite decided the best route to get there. Given time, the fog will clear and our path will present itself.

All very philosophical, I know, but there's a lot of that in coaching. We learn to embrace the things that work and discard the ones that don't. No two teams are the same - no two seasons are the same. Every year, it's an adventure as you try to figure out what is going to give your team its best chances for success. None of that can happen though until the team establishes its own unique identity. That's where we are right now, but we're working on it every day.

I'll let you know how it goes...

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