Monday, October 3, 2011

Team theme

I am not particularly clever, and like most basketball coaches, if I see something that I like, I commandeer ("steal" is such a negative concept) it for our own. Way back in the early 90s, we used a phrase "Whatever it takes" at Columbia City. It's pretty self-explanatory, and something we'll use a lot as we develop a mentally tough squad this season. It can assume a few different meanings, whether it means spending extra time in the gym shooting free throws, playing a new position, or making personal sacrifices for the good of the team. The implication is that we will all do whatever it takes to be successful, short of cheating or playing in a way that fails to honor the game.

We also will adopt one of my favorites from Tony Dungy: No Excuses, No Explanations. Again, it doesn't require much interpretation. We will play the game the way it's supposed to be played. We will support each other and enjoy the successes of the team with little or no concern for personal accolades. And, if we fail, we will handle ourselves with grace and class. There will neither be the need for excuses nor explanations; we did our best, we played our hardest, that's all we'll ever do.

I hope you get a chance to find us in a gym near you. I think we're going to be a lot of fun to watch. And we'll do whatever it takes...

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