Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day One is in the books

By most accounts, we had a successful beginning to the new season last night with our first practice. Good enthusiasm, hard work, no injuries. We had 14 girls in the gym (one more is still participating in the school play) so we are roughly in the same position as last year number-wise. Among that group, we have one senior, two juniors, six sophomores, and six freshmen. That's right, we're really young.

We began the session talking about my expectations and spent the rest of the time working hard to meet them. The girls worked hard and experienced some fatigue that they have not felt for awhile. Even the well-conditioned fall sport athletes felt winded from the different physical demands that basketball places on them.

Indiana's NewsCenter was there with a camera to record some footage and a couple interviews. I hope they do some significant editing because our skill work was pretty rusty...

We always begin with simpler goals, like passing, catching, and making layups. We like to weave basketball skill work together with conditioning in order to maximize our gym time and to blend the two disparate, but equally important, areas of preparation. We will employ some different drills tonight, but with the same basic pursuits. IPFW is sending an assistant coach tonight to observe our practice. Given the ragged display we put on last night, I hope he has a sense of humor.

In all seriousness, our primary stated goal in practice is to get better every night. We have lots of areas for improvement, so we've positioned ourselves well to meet that particular objective.

I'll let you know how it goes...

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