Monday, November 23, 2009

More consistency, please.

In the aftermath of the Mooresville game, I was pleased with how we performed at certain points of the game, but consistency is necessary to beat good teams. I attribute a lot of our difficulty to the fact that we've got several new faces and it takes time to mesh. By my count, we've had 18 practices so far, and only 11 of those practices have been with our entire core group of varsity players. That's just not enough time to do what we need to do. We're trying to put in a new offensive scheme, a matchup zone, and a sufficient number of offenses to run against various defenses. In addition, we still need to get our press package in (really could have used something against Mooresville) and fine tune what we have. That's why I talk about being ready for February. It really does take that long!

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