Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tournament time!

Abbreviated version -

Heritage (Senior Night) tore me up. I did okay holding it together, but the reality that this senior class (and more specifically, Cassie) has now played their final home game hit me like a ton of bricks. We played well against a Heritage team that has really struggled this year.

Bluffton - I wanted Cassie to get her 1000th point before the tournament started, but she didn't feel good and wasn't able to finish a few shots that are normally automatic. Maybe I should have told her how close she was, but who knows if it would have mattered. Anyway, she's at 999 for her career. I think she's got at least one more point in her. The team played pretty well again. Tab had a good night and Bailey put up her biggest scoring numbers yet. Bluffton, too, was down, so I just wanted to get off the floor in one piece. We did.

Now, we look ahead to the tournament. We drew Elkhart Christian, a team we have not seen this year. They were young last year, mostly sophomores, and we handled them 68-30 in the sectional. They are probably the second best team in the sectional, so they should at least be competitive. The one foe we haven't been able to handle this week is the weather! Snow has kept us from starting the tournament on time and the girls are like caged animals - they want to get out and play!! Judging from the blue skies and diminished winds, it looks like we may finally get our chance. Barring any other delays, we will go Friday, Saturday, and a Monday championship. The quest for #3 begins at Hamilton tomorrow night!

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