Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas break

As we roll into the last days of 2009, our record sits at a very respectable 7-1. Following our impressive win over sectional rival Blackhawk Christian Friday night, we are counting our blessings and looking forward to some exciting challenges in January. But first, a brief recap of the Blackhawk game...

Leading 13-12 early in the second quarter, we were showing the effects of a short week of practice, disrupted by final exams. Blackhawk was doing some nice things offensively and we weren't able to find the mark in the first few minutes. Then we scored the next 35 points in a row.

Midway through the third quarter, when our opponents finally cracked the scoring column for the first time since the opening seconds of the second stanza, we had amassed a 48-12 lead. It's almost ridiculous to consider how dominant we were in that stretch of time. Offensively, defensively, rebounding, running in transition -- it's hard to imagine playing much better. Everyone was contributing in one way or another. I began clearing the bench late in the third quarter and we played primarily swing players in the fourth. All but one of the girls scored and, when it was over, we rolled to a 78-36 win.

At this point, we are the #9 ranked offensive unit in the state at 68 ppg. However, more pleasing to me is the fact that we have limited our last four opponents to less than 40 points. I was disappointed with our defensive organization early in the season; I feel a lot better about it now!

When we come back from Christmas, we open first with Elmhurst then a few days later we see Concordia. Those are perhaps the top two teams in the SAC. They provide different sorts of challenges. Elmhurst is very athletic, a proven winner, and will likely be poised to gain revenge for the beating we gave them last year. Concordia is a very solid team fundamentally with no weaknesses at either end of the floor. Winning either of those games will be a nice accomplishment given our relative inactivity over the next two weeks. We will be working out, but they will be playing games. There's a difference trying to stay sharp - hopefully, we can find our rhythm early and compete well against both of them.

We had the girls out last night for a Christmas party. They enjoyed the evening, eating and watching last year's state championship together. I really, really like my team. We have high hopes for the rest of the season. If we can stay healthy, I think the fun's just beginning...

Merry Christmas everyone!

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